Do you want to know how to say 'go to hell' to someone in Russian? It's not a nice thing to say, but here's how to do it.
- Hello.
- Bonjour.
- مرحبًا
- Hallo.
- Hola.
- Χαίρετε.
- привет.
- שלום
- Dia dhuit.
- Szia.
- Buongiorno.
- გამარჯობა.
Welcome to AutoLingual - a resource for language learning on your own.
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See the links below to get started.
- Do you want to know what the longest word in Arabic is? It's a whopping 15 letters long.
- Do you want to know what the longest word in Italian is? It's a whopping 26 letters and 11 syllables long.
- Do you want to know what the longest word in French is? It's a whopping 27 letters long.
- Unfortunately, Babbel Korean is not yet available to those of us trying to learn to speak Korean. Fortunately, there are some fantastic alternatives for courses and apps which I'll share in just a moment.