Do you want to know what the longest word in German is? It's a whopping 79 letters and 25 syllables long.
Category: #german
Here you'll find a full archive of all language learning articles on this site in chronological order. Use the search field to filter by language or topic (alternatively you can browse languages or topics).
- My experience with Interlinear books was very much a good one, particularly as it finds a creative way to bridge the gap between side-by-side translations and ebooks.
- It comes as no surprise to me that my weakest area is listening comprehension. This is always the area in foreign language study where I struggle the most.
- It's nice to appreciate the beauty or the fascination a language provides, but that's a lousy reason to learn.
- Learning a Germanic language if you already know another Germanic language is much easier than learning a language within a completely different branch or family.
- German days are fairly easy to remember as they closely resemble their English counterparts.